1、虛假承諾:false promise
2、社會道德:social morality
3、社會公德:social virtue
4、躲避責任:shrink from responsibilities
5、道德缺失:lack of moral sense
6、追求經濟利益:in pursuit of economic benefits
7、忽視努力工作:ignore hard word
8、缺乏社會意識:lack of social consciousness
9、信任危機:the crisis of trust
10、不道德行為:immoral behaviors
It is our important duty to take care of/ help others.
From the personal angel, every human has the need of being taken care of/helped/understood/encouragedin order to meet his physical and mental requirements/ to get healthy physical and mental development, especially when he is in trouble.
From the social perspective, a society that advocates and emphasizes selfless devotion can make its citizens live happy lives.
Social morality and traditional virtues, like the sunshine on our shoulders, make us smile and stronger, so that they can give us support no matter how dark the world around us becomes.
In addition, we should cultivate the awareness of the young that respecting the old has always been the traditional virtue of Chinese culture.
It’s all known that taking care of our own parents is not only a Chinese traditional virtue, which should be cherished and promoted, but also a duty laid down in the constitution.
However great the will to achieve, and however great the demand to succeed, one should never abandon his/her moral and social consciousness.
As a matter of fact, people of many different cultures also regard honoring public morality as the most sublime human act.
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