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Iraqi protesters in the southern city of Najaf burned down the Iranian Consulate there on Wednesday night in an outburst of anger at Iran, witnesses said. Video showed sizable crowds outside the consulate shouting “Out, out Iran!” and waving Iraqi flags as the building burned. This was the second attempt in a month by protesters to burn the Iranian consulate in Najaf. In the first attempt, Molotov cocktails were thrown over the consulate walls but the flames were put out and the damage was limited.
No Iranian diplomats were in the building at the time, according to witnesses and Iranian news media, and there were no reports of Iranian casualties. But the attack struck a significant symbolic blow against Iran, which places a high value on its outposts in the Shiite Muslim heartland of southern Iraq.
The attack on the consulate comes amid widespread antigovernment protests, which began nearly two months ago in Baghdad. The demonstrations started as a demand for jobs and better government services but have broadened into a call for a change in government, which the demonstrators see as corrupt and beholden to Iran.
文本選自:The New York Times(紐約時報)
作者:Alissa J. Rubin and Falih Hassan
原文標題:Iraq Protesters Burn Down Iran Consulate in Night of Anger
目擊者稱,周三晚上,伊拉克南部城市納杰夫的抗議者們出于對伊朗的憤怒,一氣之下燒毀了伊朗駐伊拉克領事館。視頻顯示,隨著火勢蔓延,大批人群在領事館外揮舞著伊拉克國旗并高喊“滾出去,伊朗滾出去!” 這是抗議者們一個月內第二次試圖燒毀伊朗駐納杰夫領事館。在第一次行動中,燃燒彈被扔向了領事館圍墻,但火勢被撲滅,避免了更多的損失。
以上就是2020年MBA考試考前英語外刊閱讀(十五)的全部內容。不僅為大家及時帶來各種考試資訊還為大家提供2020年MBA考試 免費預約短信提醒哦。沖刺階段一定要注意梳理掌握知識體系,查漏補缺,學會反思、善于總結,避免無所謂的丟分,重點解決會而不得分的問題。