Some scientists believe that the rise in carbon levels means that the Amazon and other rain forests in Asia and Africa may go from being assets in the battle against rising temperatures to liabilities.
主語 Some scientists
謂語 believe
賓語 that the rise in carbon levels means that the Amazon and other rain forests in Asia and Africa may go from being assets in the battle against rising temperatures to liabilities.
單詞 | 音標 | 中文詞意 |
asset | [?æset] | n. 資產;優點,有利條件;財產 |
battle | [?bæt(?)l] | n./v. 戰斗,戰役 |
liability | la??'b?l?ti | n. 責任;債務;傾向;可能性;不利因素 |
這句話是一個典型的主謂賓句型,主語"Some scientists",謂語是"believe",重點在于后面的賓語從句中。賓語從句主語"the rise","in carbon levels"是主語的定語。賓語從句謂語"means",賓語從句的賓語同樣是個賓語從句,這個從句中的從句的主語"the Amazon and other rain forests",“in Asia and Africa”是主語的定語,謂語"may go",因為"go"當走的意思的時候是個不及物動詞,故"from being assets in the battle against rising temperatures to liabilities"是個狀語成份。
這個賓語從句中的賓語從句才是重中之重。在這個從句中的從句里面,"go from...to"是理解的核心,它表示從什么地方到什么地方,結合后面的關鍵信息詞匯"liability"--“障礙物”,才能理解熱帶雨林做的角色轉變--即“從正面的衛士形象黑化成了反派”。