名詞/動詞 | 名詞 1.猛擊,猛撞 2.巨響,爆炸聲 |
及物動詞: 1.猛擊,猛撞 不及物動詞: 1.發出砰的一聲,砰砰作響,砰地敲[推,扔] 2.男性和(女性)性交 ad. 1.正好;完全地 |
相似單詞 | bang n. 1.猛擊,猛撞 2.巨響,爆炸聲 v.[T] 1.猛擊,猛撞 v.[I] 1.發出砰的一聲,砰砰作響,砰地敲[推,扔] 2.男性和(女性)性交 ad. 1. bang bang 繼電器式控制 bang on int. 正好 slam bang ad. 砰然,轟地一聲,氣勢兒猛地 |
bang zone 飛機噪音區 bang up a. 極好的 flash bang 聲光時差 slap bang adj. 魯莽的, 立刻的 gang bang 【法】 流氓集團的集體淫亂行為 whiz bang n. 1.小口徑(高速)炮彈之一種 2.嘶地一聲立即爆開的爆竹 3.【口】非比尋常之事物;特別成功的事 a whiz-bang of a speech 非常成功的演講;多彩? |
相似短語 | bang into v. 撞入, 偶爾遇見 bang at 砰砰地敲打 bang on 正合適,正好,好極了,太好了 bang bang circuit 繼電控制電路 bang bang robot 繼電式機器人 |
bang bang action 繼電器式動作,雙位動作 bang bang control 繼電控制,繼電器式控制,閃動控制,開關控制,開關式控制,起停控制,舵面快速振動控制 bang bang servo 【計】 繼電式伺服機構 bang out 匆忙趕出;當當地敲響…;好,好貨色! bang up 砰地掛上;撞壞,撞傷 |
be exactly right;Be bang on
The shutter kept banging to and fro in the wind, so we nailed it back against the wall.
Bang went the gun, and the bird fell.
This time, the plan went with a bang(swing)
We have twenty branches abroad, and we've recently opened a new one in Bangkok.
Actually, Comrade Hu Yaobang shared their view.
Bang into; run into
She rushed out of the bedroom, intending to go and bang on the outhouse door, but at the head of the stairs she paused
Its background is the struggle between Liu Bang, and Xiang Yu, and specifically the final battle between them at Gaixia in 202.
Bangladesh has an army,but it is a twopenny halfpenny affair kept deliberately weak,with the security forces split into three separate groups.